
Fixed star:  ALGENIB Constellation:  Gamma (γ) Pegasus Longitude 1900:  07ARI46 Longitude 2000:  09ARI09 Declination 1900:  +14.38′ Declination 2000:  +15.11′ Right

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The Lunar Mansions

Contents:1. The Arabic Lunar Mansions (manzils)2. The Hindu Lunar Mansions (nakshatras)3. The Chinese Lunar Mansions (sieu) Allen’s explanation of the Lunar Mansions here From The Fixed Stars and

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Fixed star:  SCHEAT Constellation:  Beta (β) Pegasus Longitude 1900:  27PIS59 Longitude 2000:  29PIS22 Declination 1900:  +27.32′ Declination 2000:  +28.04′ Right

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