Fixed star: RANA | |
Constellation: Delta (δ) Eridanus | |
Longitude 1900: 19TAU28 | Longitude 2000: 20TAU52 |
Declination 1900: -10.06′ | Declination 2000: -09.46′ |
Right ascension: 03h 43m | Latitude: -28.40′ |
Spectral class: K0 | Magnitude: 3.7 |
The history of the star: Rana
Delta (δ) Eridanus, Rana, is a star in the River.
Rana is a Latin word for the genus “bullfrog” so called because of its strong croak, said to sound like a bull bellowing.
The astrological influences of the constellation Eridanus
Legend: Eridanus represents the river Padus or Po into which Phaeton fell when slain by Jupiter for having set the world on fire by misguiding the chariot of his father Phoebus. [Robson, p.44.]
Influences: According to Ptolemy all the stars with the exception of Achernar are like Saturn. Eridanus gives a love of knowledge and science, much travel and many changes, a position of authority, but danger of accidents especially at sea and of drowning. [Robson, p.44.]
Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].