Fixed star: ALSHAIN | |
Constellation: Beta (β) Aquila | |
Longitude 1900: 01AQU02 | Longitude 2000: 02AQU25 |
Declination 1900: +06.17′ | Declination 2000: +06.24′ |
Right ascension: 19h 55m | Latitude: +26.39′ |
Spectral class: G8 | Magnitude: 3.9 |
The history of the star: Alshain
from p.60 of Star Names, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889.
[A scanned copy can be viewed on this webpage
Beta (β) Aquila, Alshain, is a fourth magnitude, pale orange star, and is the southern of the two stars flanking Altair
Although Alshain bears the second letter, beta (β), is not as bright as gamma (γ Tarazed) or delta (δ Deneb Okab).
Alshain is from Shahin, a portion of the Persian name for the constellation; but Al Achsasi termed it Al Unuk al Ghurab, the Raven’s Neck.
Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889].
The Lunar Mansions
Alpha (α Altair), with this star beta (β Alshain), and gamma (γ Tarazed) constituted the twenty-first nakshatra (Hindu Moon Mansion) Çravana, the Ear, and probably was at first so drawn, although also known as Çrona, Lame, or as Açvattha, the Sacred Fig Tree, Vishnu being regent of the asterism; these stars representing the Three Footsteps with which that god strode through the heavens, a Trident being the symbol. [Star Names, Allen, p.59.]
Influences of the 21st Hindu Moon Mansion Çravana: Ruled by the Moon. A mutable asterism belonging to the lowest caste and favorable for commencing work of an impermanent or moving character. Those born on the lunar day will be cunning, active, bold, truthful, virtuous, religious and skilful. With Moon here at birth native will be rich, learned, famous, and have a good wife. Rules parade grounds and private parts. [Robson, p.84]
The astrological influences of the constellation Aquila
Legend: Originally called Vultur Volans or the Flying Grype, Aquila represents the Eagle, thought to be Jupiter himself, that carried Ganymedes to heaven (see Aquarius). [Robson, p.29.]
Influences: According to Ptolemy the influence of Aquila is similar to that of Mars and Jupiter. It is said to give great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind and ability for chemical research. It has always been associated with the sign Scorpio, and by the Kabalists with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump “The Lovers.” [Robson, p.29.]
Antinous is now taken as part of this constellation. [Altair is said to be included and those stars south of Altair are; beta (Alshain), gamma (Tarazed), iota, eta and lambda]. Antinous lies just south of Altair in Aquila. No astrological influence was suggested for this constellation by the ancients, but it seems to have been associated with the ideas of passion, love and friendship, for certain of its components stars were named Alkhalimain or Al Halilain, the Two Friends, by the Arabs, and the Kabalists associated it with the Hebrew letter Vau and the 6th Tarot Trump “The Lovers.” It has also been said to give a love of swimming, and to be connected with certain sex irregularities [catamite-pedophilia associations, involving young boys and older men, see the Aquila constellation page for the related myths and stories], the latter probably being greatest in that part of the constellation lying in Capricorn. [Robson, p.27.]
The astrological influences of the constellation Aquila given by Manilius:
“The Eagle, soars to the heights, the bird of mighty Jupiter carrying thunderbolts, it is a bird worthy of Jupiter and the sky, which it furnishes with awful armaments. This bird brings back the thunderbolts which Jupiter has flung and fights in the service of heaven. He that is born on earth in the hour of its rising, will grow up bent on spoil and plunder, won even with bloodshed; he will draw no line between peace and war, between citizen and foe, and when he is short of men to kill he will engage in butchery of beast. He is a law unto himself, and rushes violently wherever his fancy takes him; in his eyes to show contempt for everything merits praise. Yet, should perchance his aggressiveness be enlisted in a righteous cause, depravity will turn into virtue, and he will succeed in bringing wars to a conclusion and enriching his country with glorious triumphs. And, since the Eagle does not wield, but supplies weapons, seeing that it brings back and restores to Jupiter the fires and bolts he has hurled, in time of war such a man will be the aide of a king or of some mighty general, and his strength will render them important service”. [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.341.]
Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].